About Us

Since 1998 Rosaryhill Kindergarten PTA has organized many activities in each year, such as the injection of flu vaccination, class observations, preparation course for attending the Test of English Test conducted by the London Tests of English, family outing, family camping, story telling competition, workshops and seminars for parents. Other than those activities, the PTA has also taught our students in sharing through the participation of charities. Events participated by the PTA included the Community Chest's Walk for a Million, flag selling, bazaar fund raising to UNICEF for the victims of South East Asia tsunami.

自一九九八年創會以來,玫瑰崗幼稚園家長教師會每年都舉辦不少活動,包括安排流感疫苗注射、家長到校觀課、倫敦小學生英語考試、親子旅行、家庭康樂營、圖書閱讀計劃、親子講故事比賽、家長講座等… 在公益活動方面,玫瑰崗幼稚園家長教師會曾參與公益金百萬行、親子賣旗活動及為聯合國兒童基金籌款捐助南亞海嘯受害者等公益活動。
