Pastoral Activities

Our school life in Rosaryhill School is crowded with many activities. Our teachers and students are busy trying to catch up with all the tasks that are in front of them, all of them useful and necessary to provide for a good education. What is the purpose of The Department of Religion? It should not be to increase the already crammed schedule of everybody, but to provide an ‘opening’. It is like a window in a room. The window is not another piece of furniture that has to compete for the limited space of the room. A window is just a hole in the room, but because of this hole the whole room is full of light. We want to be that hole through which the Divine Light may come into Rosaryhill School. It is the purpose of the Department of Religion to open our school to the Divine Power, to the Holy Spirit. To pray that our school may be a place of blessings, a place of love and care, a place where our students and teachers may find God. And our mission is not difficult at all, because God is already here. We do not need to ask Him to come, but we need to introduce Him to our students and teachers so that everybody may know Him. That God is a Father that Jesus is our Brother, and the Holy Spirit is our Protector. What could be better than that?

In Morning Prayer we raise up our minds and our hearts to God our Father to thank Him for the new day, and we ask Jesus to be with us in our activities. The Holy Spirit is breathing in us, if we only allow Him. Our dear Catholic teachers are very devoted to inspire our students, especially in the Religious Knowledge lessons. This knowledge is not about learning facts or data about God, but to learn how His true face is and how we can love Him better. On special occasions we also have the opportunity to go to the school chapel and enjoy the Holy Mass and other celebrations. We are delighted to see how receptive our students are and how they sing and pray. This is our mission in our Department of Religion, to plant a seed of joy and peace in our students and teachers.

Life can be a marvel when we raise our eyes and open our hearts. May God bless you all!