Closing Day 2021

Date: 18/07/2021

Closing Day Ceremony 2021


The Closing Day Ceremony was held on 10thJuly, 2021. It was our great honour to have invited the Provincial of Our Lady of the Rosary Province, Fr. Bonifacio Garcia Solis, O.P., to be our Guest of Honour.

In Fr. Solis’ speech, he encouraged the students to continue with their hard work, strive for a brighter future and respect the opinions of their family. He stressed that students should feel proud of what they do and of the people around them. With their maturity, responsibility, sense of propriety, and personal effort, they will succeed and that the sacrifice they undertake today will open a door to a brighter future tomorrow.

Fr. Solis further remarked that students should always show concern for their family and listen to their parent’s suggestions because no one would care for their future as their parents do. He believed that then their sacrifice, commitment, and efforts in their studies will payback.

After the speech, prizes were presented to students with outstanding performance in both studies, co-curricular activities and social services, which include awards in the internal and external competitions.  
